Well after a chatty night around the fire and a feast (killer broccolli salad, Michelle and Mike not to mention about 5 other dishes contributed by others) we all headed to bed and this is what I saw out of the tent door in the morning.
I am sleeping on rock (using an air bed) but the rock is incredibly beautiful – it is part of the ancient ocean floor even though the elevation here is around 3500ft. Pushed up by volcanic action. There are other patterns in many different places. Very cool.

Chuck of Duckworks, Martin of Polyurethane Catamaran fame and John a serious canoeist from Texas were my companions.

The landscape makes me think of some of the Warner Brother’s cartoons with rocks balanced on other rocks.

This is the cartoon version

And they took me into the mouth of the slot canyon.

And we walked along … sandy floor and I was glad that the water was not rushing through.

After a short walk we ended up being stopped by the canyon becoming too narrow. I said it looked nice and I had never seen anything like it. But was a bit disappointed it was a bathroom sized space (and the floor was wet too)

After a few seconds they all grinned and said this was a joke … just a small canyon (I was so polite about my disappointment) … but now we were going to the real thing.

This had the formality of a Chinese Garden

This is more like it!

It got narrower and some rocks had been trapped.

This is Chuck. Some people have written on the wall. Other people have removed the writing with powertools. Also some of the graffiti is very historical. What is the right action here?
We start walking out

And the happy explorer. It was time to get back to the lake and see who had arrived from around the USA. On the way back we found a broken down car with a boat behind it and met Ruby and her mum who were bringing a Whitehall with a sliding seat down.