We have Agents for our Boat Plans in many regions. They know the boat plans well as well as understanding boat builder’s problems. Particularly
My Criteria for Choosing Plan Agents are simple
1/ Be active boatbuilders from an amateur boatbuilding background
2/ That their Customers really really like dealing with them
3/ That they sell quality materials or support User Groups of people that are actively building in their region
Where Can I Buy Storer Boat Plans in My Region
Australia & NZ – Boatcraft Pacific
BoatCraft have been active in Amateur boatbuilding for 30 years and are one of the main suppliers of epoxy, plywood, fibreglass and many other needs. Deliver Nationwide and have agents throughout Australia.
USA, Canada, World – Duckworks
Chuck and Sandra started Duckworks started one of the best discussion groups for home boat builders 35 years ago. They evolved to a supplier as they needed to buy stuff for their own projects. Epoxy, Fibreglass and countless specialised fittings for sailing, canoeing and most other boat types. International buyers often buy parts on cost and quality.
Europe – Fyne Boat Kits
Fyne Boats have been supplying plans and cutting plywood kits to the UK and Europe for 30 years. They were one of the movers in Precut Plywood Boat Kits, but they supply Plywood sheets, epoxy, glass, precut timber, tools and more. They do Storer Boat Kits.
Hungary (in Magyar) – Amatőr Hajóépítők
Csaba Mezei started a discussion group around 10 years ago for home boatbuilders in Hungary. He ended up translating my plans to Hungarian (Magyar). The Hajoepitok group has social sailing functions, a great online discussion group and knowledge about local suppliers
South Africa – CKD Boats
CKD sell plans and often sell the materials you need to build your boat. They have plywood, epoxy, fibreglass and timber available.
Boat Plans List – a Boat Building Course in a Book
Here is our list of Boat Plans