Review and Launching – Stephen’s Goat Island Skiff
Customer Review of the Goat Island Skiff: The maiden sail was fantastic, this skiff was far better than I had ever imagined and the lightest boat I have ever sailed, just glides through the water with very little effort.
Back from the Avalon Air Show 2007 – beautiful things
Though mostly concerned with boats, I’m interested in highly related areas like aircraft design and performance – Avalon airshow in Victoria.
Setting up leg of mutton with sprit boom rig for OzRacer Dinghy
Slideshow of Rigging details for the Original Oz Racers with Sprit boom leg of mutton rig
GIS – Traditional good looks excellent sailing performance
I’m staying with Peter and Jo Hyndman – Peter built the first Goat Island Skiff to my plans about 12 years ago and we have been firm friends since.
Their boat is now 12 or 13 years old and has not been repainted or revarnished. Properly done with premium products and still looks great.
Wooden Boat Building – 10 day Autumn Class
2007 – Duck Flat Wooden Boats in conjunction with Michael Storer Wooden Boat Plans will be running a 10 day boat building Autumn School.
Could we do it? 4 people three hulls, 4 days.
A first group build of OzRacers at Duck Flat Wooden Boats
Three OzRacers (formerly Oz PDRacers) being built at Duck Flat continued
Well, I’ve just had a big day up at Duck Flat Wooden Boats doing some work on the 3 OzRacers they are building for the nationals at Goolwa in March.
Detailed construction photos for OzRacer (formerly Oz PDRacer) sailboat
This photo series below is for the OzRacer Mk 2.
The method for the OzRacer RV and OzGoose is much simpler.