Tacking, Turning Around – Free Online Sailing Lesson
Tacking and Gybing can be simplified by prioritising the right parts. More security by delaying swapping hands until the boat is going again for smooth boat handling
Tacking and Gybing can be simplified by prioritising the right parts. More security by delaying swapping hands until the boat is going again for smooth boat handling
Free Sailing Lessons – Prerequisite – Essential first principle of holding the tiller extension correctly so both hands can control the sail.
VIDEOS in Gusty Conditions in the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe they built 2 years ago. Viola (the person) and Joost practice for a RAID next week..
Tutorial on sailing upwind without all the fuss and terminology of normal sailing books. it can be much easier than most books suggest. Even better this will show you how to sail fast and efficiently in moderate winds.
Review! Ahh, i made my first trip today. It was a pleasure. The ta‘al is fast and tracks well. I guess Faster than my first sup, the umpqua, which i built a few weeks ago. I decided for ta‘al mainly to Save weight and length due to transport with my bike.
New Photos of Viola 14 sailing canoe practice – Viola (the person) is back to sailing after a decade break. Her plan to sail the Viola 14 Sailing canoe in the RAID Extreme Sailing Event later in the year
A nice post by Brian Anderson who has built some outriggers for his Quick Canoe gives a good idea of how much performance can be expected from 2hp and a neat installation.
Sweden to Norway 90 miles in Open water – Goat Island Skiff. My dream sailing my Goat Island Skiff 90 nm open ocean stretch from Skagen Denmark to Færder Norway finally came true.
Photos! 5 Goat Island Skiffs at Small Reach Regatta break record. I was surprised – record for Goat Island Skiffs in one place was 4 – and at this regatta, 5 GISs. We could get three more next year?!
What is the best way to exit the gust? Artilcle expains it is best just to go straight and let the sail luff as luffing usually disappears
Sailboat for Sale – an extraordinary, light plywood sailing dinghy. This is a prototype of the S12 sailing dinghy built with gaboon ply and full epoxy gluing and sealing. A project needing its conclusion.
This boat was intended to be a minimal river and open water racer for two lightweight experienced sailors (or one larger one) – big sail for the fluctuating conditions, light enough to plane consistently and cartop portable – it was also based on the Oz Goose built with incredible attention to detail. It requires a small amount of work to complete.
Big increase in upwind sailing performance and an easier way to teach beginners to sail upwind in medium to strong conditions. They end up being able to handle stronger winds with more confidence as well as sail faster.
Why explained. My most popular design is the Goat Island Skiff a light plywood planing sailing dinghy that is devastatingly fast in most conditions – not so surprising when you realise a lot of the development was because of racing dinghy advances but intended to avoid the skyrocketing costs of sailing participation.
Building a sailboat in a confined space is not untypical, but Ermis in Greece built his Goat Island Skiff on the balcony of a 6th floor apartment and had to employ a very tall crane to lift the boat down.
This plywood canoe has been tried and tested on some of the major lochs in Scotland as a touring canoe and performs extremely well when fully loaded.
With two Viola 14 Sailing Canoes recently launched in Hungary the two skippers were filmed dancing around each other spinning like racing dinghies though they are actually are fast and elegant homebuilt plywood sailing canoes built from a boat plan.
Some of the most extreme inland yachts of Britain (or the world) together for the Three Rivers Race on the Norfolk Broads. A-raters, Norfolk Punts and Broads Yachts
The last day of the 20 boat Oz Goose sailboat build brought out the cameras of the TV News as well as the student’s own view of introducing collegiate sailing into the Philippines for around the price of importing two Laser dinghies.