There are people doing great things at this time so created a Facebook page for people boatbuilding during this time of social distancing and staying in.
And some advice and tips that builders have found when working at this time.
As one friend says – “boatbuilding without so many distractions”
We have a couple of tips below from the Group’s experience trying to build a boat during this corona virus thing.
Home Boatbuilding in the Time of Corona

One of many interesting projects – this in Argentina
Kids making foiling boards – few bits of timber, fibreglass and epoxy.
And links to lots of free resources to do it yourself.
The purpose of the Boatbuilding in a time of Corona Group.
1/ A range of boat designs and boat designers
The intention is that it will be agnostic as far as the designer. For example, my designs are not intended to be prominent in the group. We also have John Welsford, Iain Oughtred, Dave Gentry and Chuck Leinweber of Duckworks magazine. Also portable multihull designer Frank Smoot and Finnish designer out of left field, the remarkable Perttu Korhonen. There are others as well.
2/ Actual Projects that are happening NOW!
The second idea is that it is for people in an active process during this time. Building, sailing, or even choosing a plan. We also see kids building models as a home activity.
3/ No expectations of a long timeline for the group
Yep, the group may only be around for 2 or three months or half a year. If it goes on because people like it … then that is great.
A couple of Strategies for Building a boat now
- Get your materials ASAP. Businesses and suppliers are closing down all the time.
- You may find yourself buying brands you have not bought before. REad the labels particularly for mixing ratios!
- Buy online and have materials delivered
- In many countries hardwares and big box stores are considered essential services.
More tips appear on the Facebook group most days.
Some examples of Projects on the Group.
Chris Harris and his Rogue

Briggs Monteith and his Pile of Timber. He’s meditating on what to build in cedar strip.

Khiem Tran and his trimaran based on a Quick Canoe and Drop in Outriggers

Tony Osse’s project is a bit bigger but he has a work team trapped at home

Wesley Brooks is starting a skin on frame kayak

Perttu Korhonen is putting wheels on boats

And Andrew Murray’s kids are doing a science project