Duckflat and I have a long relationship and they often hire me for part of their Spring and Autumn School Program at their premises at Mt Barker, Adelaide Australia.

Ten days of boatbuilding, where people can build what they want (within reason). Some might take two schools to get their project done though most plan to leave after one.
This year we have very few locals – people from Orange and Murwillumbah, NSW, Victoria, two separate people from Perth.
One father and son team building an Iain Oughtred Fulmar come from opposite sides of the country and meet up at Adelaide which is kindof in the middle.
The boats are just about as varied.
Joel White Nutshell being built by Graeme who is going to fit out the Herreshoff Dulcinea hull he bought from Duckflat earlier in the year.

The Rust son and father team who are on their second visit after completely planking the Fulmar last time.

Rex is building my Goat Island Skiff.
Last time he built a Dragon Boat which ended up very light – he wants to sell that now. So if someone want a Dragon Boat for their club, this would be a nice one.

Judy is sanding the inside of her jewel like strip canoe – also started last time. Built in Paulownia and with light glass will be a boat to carry with one hand. It is a Nymph as featured in Woodenboat.

Judy’s partner Bill is not a co-worker this time but starting his own CLC Night Heron. He is doing interesting stuff with wood stain to go under the epoxy. These are his samples – the CLC kit has mysterious jigsaw puzzle type ends to lock the panels together. Bill is going to make them a feature.

My good friend David Wilson is doing most of the tutoring – I spent yesterday helping too.
Lots of fun.