Watch Chris Huebert of the creative steampunk website LostWax build a plywood canoe in this wonderful instructional video – one of the best I have seen.

Instructional Video Master
Chris makes a good part of his living from designing steampunk and sculpture from widely available materials, but with unbelievable results.
His Lost Wax website and youtube account has hundreds of detailed videos.
Chris contacted us saying that if he built the canoe and did a video, would I give him a plan.
After looking at his work – YES! He used one of our Quick Canoes – and has written about several family trips since as well

OOps .. the wrong plywood.
He overcame a problem with plywood quality. But recovered by starting again with new plywood. Then he chose a colour exactly the same as his family canoe when he was a kid.
Video image can take a moment to load.
Chris designs, provides patterns and creates videos on how to make amazing things. Here is a prototype shoulder protector.

We are privileged that Chris’s video shows how to build a canoe using one of our simple and cheap Quick Canoes AND made a brilliant instructional video.