Hullform 9P is freeware Hull Design Software. It has reached the end of its development life so it is free. I’ve been using it for years for serious work. So if you are looking for a cheap software with the ability to unroll panels, then it is a good choice. It is a full Professional Level Hull Design Package, but a bit simpler than many current programs.

Here I write about my experience in the hope it will help others.
I was a full paid up user of the software for many years and corresponded with the developer Peter Rye of Blue Peter Marine in Perth, Australia semi regularly.
The program ran on DOS then made the jump to windows 95. It ran well on XP and worked fine in Windows 7. But stopped working with windows 8.1
I provide download links below.
Workflow with hullform
The Hullform program is not stand alone. It outputs different sorts of files. I use DXF as 2D files or 3D files for output into a secondary program. Initially I exported to a cheap 2D drafting program – any that accepts a DXF file is likely to work. Now I use Rhino3D and usually model in 3D as it allows me to create images to show clients building my boats how they look at different stages of the build.
There is a little trick to outputting DXF 2D files for the flattened panels. Immediately after developing the panels and checking the ruling lines are logical, removing any that are not then choose “Roll Out”, double check that there are no ruling lines that cross and no large blank areas where there are no ruling lines. If there are large blank areas then you can add a section to subdivide the area, increase the number of additional points on lines in the settings.
To ouput DXF of the flattened panel then go to FILE > PLOT and choose DXF as the option there.
Normally to export your whole model without the flattened panels can choose FILE > EXPORT.
What happened when Hullform 9P failed previously on windows 8, 10 and early versions of 11.
It looks like it installs, but when opening the installed hullform the Hullform interface is either inactive or freezes after a couple of clicks.
No amount of playing with the Windows Compatibility Settings works as others have found as well for both Windows 8 and Windows 10. A google search confirms that the subject has been discussed and users have given up in frustration.
Miracles Happen – Windows 11 updates have allowed Hull form to run (early 2023)
This supersedes the information below. Hullform 9P has been working impeccably on Windows 11 since updates in February (it is now August).
The only glitch I’ve noticed is if doing a lot of editing of the longitudinal line curvature that the lines appearing ok earlier might not be displayed. If it persists, save your work and reload and it will be OK for a lot of editing again.
Downloadss and What happened when Hullform 9P installed and ran Successfully – Feedback please.
I have some suspicions about why it works now – see next section.
Download Hullform – This week I decided to try again. I downloaded it from softpedia, virus checked it. Intalled it smoothly with no problems. The install includes a bunch of models.
Download Manual – I have the Hullform 9P manual downloadable here for those who don’t know the software. Like all CAD it is a steep learning curve, but the program is quite powerful for basic hull design and full hydrostatics including stability curves and calculation of developable panels.
Even the desktop icon looks better than it did before.
PLEASE FEEDBACK – I am still a bit surprised, so want to know if others have the same experience. If it doesn’t work compare your windows update version and compare with mine in the next section.
I get some nags from Microsoft User Account Control “do you want to run this unknown program” when hullform starts, but click through and it operates correctly.
It edits and saves existing Hullform Files and outputs in DXF, VRML, DXF Mesh and GHS. Some of these have problems on import into Rhino 3D. But one always seems to work.
Why Hullform 9P might be working now but didn’t before.
Feedback on whether it works for you, your windows update version and whether you have installed Rhino 5 Evaluation may be useful information to help others.
1/ Windows update?
First and most obvious answer is because of a Windows Update.
I am using Windows 10 Home 64 bit version updated to 1903 update.
My current Version is 10.0.18362 Build 18362
The 1903 fixpack is installed. This is more important than the exact build number above.
2/ Rhino 3D Visual C++ Runtime Libraries
We can now discount this as a reason for Hullform 9P to run now thanks to feedback from Adrian Galindo below.
3/ Radeon Vega Graphics 2020
It may be a graphic driver thing?
This is a new computer with Radeon Vega 8 and Radeon 540X Cards
Feedback on your experience please – I’ll update this
Hope this helps someone else.
Great if you can feedback to installing on Windows 10 with the 1903 update if you don’t have Rhino or its libraries on your machine.
Newsflash – tried on Windows 64 Home with 1909 update and no installation of Rhino 6 Evaluation – a different computer – and it installed but would not execute
Interface comes up but then it crashes and closes within seconds.
I can’t load the Rhino Evaluation on that Machine as I trialled the previous version of Rhino on it a couple of years back.
I’m pretty convinced that it is the update making the difference. The C++ runtime libraries might not be the reason it runs. Can someone try?
Update – Runs on Windows 10 1903 without Rhino Libraries.
Thanks to Adrian Galindo we know the Rhino libraries are irrelevant.
Ran immediately on his Windows 10 version 1903.
Adrian wrote –
So I opened some of the files that came with package and was able to modify the demo hull shapes , I will have a look at the manual and have a go at some experiments.
I have used a lot of CAD in the past but only 2D mechanical and electronics/pcb design orientated software and not for some years!
Many thanks for the post.