This is a recording of my first USA talk on wooden boatbuilding and design made in Portland, Oregon. I emphasize how the good parts of modern performance can be cheap and simple to apply to all boats
I have started to realise it is much harder to edit a talk by oneself than it is to edit recordings of other people talking.
But I have worked through the longest, best (and first) talk I gave in the USA. It was the one organised by the Coots – a loose affiliation of people in and around Oregon who organise wooden boat events. They have a great calendar of varied events.
“No Fees, no Door Prizes, no Rules”

I was hosted by David Graybeal and the Coots took excellent care of me including organising one of the coups of the trip … a walk through the storage areas of the Columbia River Maritime Museum – the bits that the public doesn’t really get to see. I recorded that too in both photos and the talking.

I am getting ahead of myself … you will have to wait a week or so for that one.
This talk is the first hour of my exposition on boat building and design. There are two more parts to come. This covers some of the background and design issues. The second is more on the building side and the last is a bit more about why the Australian (and New Zealand) wooden boat tradition is different from the Northern Hemisphere.
The talk itself was quite relaxed with some audience participation. I have had to edit a bit to make it all work. I am an amateur at this so it might be a bit choppy in places. It is about an hour long.
If anyone has questions, please feel free to comment and I will reply. Also if you think something needs a diagram or picture comment as well and I will put something together and add it to the post.
Without further procrastination, here is talk number 1 of three. It runs for about an hour. I have put supporting videos and links to hard data here –
Pardon all the “um”s at the beginning. I soon settle down.
Or you can download here
Talk on Boat Building and Design Part 1 – Portland OR.mp3
Further information can be found:
The PDRacer that helped formulate a lot of thing thinking about performance with low cost
Making sailboat rigs work better – mostly lug, lateen and sprit boomed rigs, but relevance to all cheap sailboat rigs.