Quick Canoe Electric Design built by group of young students with no boat building experience did a 120km (80 mile) trip down the Vistula River in Poland. Easy to build plywood boat with electric trolling motor, or small outboard. Ideal for first time to build a boat or a class project.
Comments from Wojciech Woźny unless otherwise labelled.

Quick Canoe Electric Handling on 120km trip along the Vistula River in Poland
Finally I’ve found time to share some photos & experience of Quick Electric Canoe build with a group of students at Forum Filtrowa in Warsaw (Poland) this summer.
We’ve made a 120 km trip on Wisła river (Vistula) from Warsaw to Płock (downstream, 2 days) with 3 people onboard and old Honda BF5 engine.
The boat turns easily and keeps direction very well upstream and downstream.
Goes 13 km/h (7 knots) on the quiet lake (3 people onboard). Reached 21 km/h downstream on Vistula river (1 person onboard).
Designer points out that going excessively fast can result in capsize if boat is turned suddenly or hits a wave in the wrong way. It can go quite fast with one person aboard but it is risky use of the boat.
So an electric trolling motor or low hp outboard (2hp) is a very economical choice.
The low drag of the hull is specifically designed for low power andprovides excellent range.
Video of the Quick Canoe Electric preparing for the trip along the Vistula
Another video made by a friend during a short trip on Vistula river in Warsaw:
Video image can take a moment to load.
Photo Slideshow of the building and launch of the Quick Canoe Electric.

Materials and Costs for building the Quick canoe Electric in Poland
- 6.5mm ply for the bottom.
- 5mm ply for the sides.
- Pine timber used for the rest.
- Outside: 3 layers of epoxy (Epidian 53) + 3 layers of white paint (Sigmadur 550)
- Inside: 1 layer of epoxy + 3 layers of transparent paint (Sigmadur Clearcoat)
- Fore & aft floation tanks (fore seems too big).
- Aprox. 80h of work. made in 3 months.
- Final weight: 50kg
- Paddle: free design by Michael Storer.
- Total cost: 3.000PLN (660 USD) + our work.
- Engine: Honda BF5 (+30kg) + external tank (12l).
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