Dance of the Two Violas – sailing canoe extended video

With two Viola 14 Sailing Canoes recently launched in Hungary the two skippers were filmed dancing around each other spinning like racing dinghies though they are actually are fast and elegant homebuilt plywood sailing canoes built from a boat plan.

Scroll down for the video.

video of two Viola sailing canoes dancing around each other in light winds. They were built in the last month

Yesterday after working hours we had a sailing on Lupa Lake. Two Viola 14 and a oz Goose took the foam in the light of the cool day. The wind was mild, but it’s right to make the new viola. They went well.

video of two Viola sailing canoes dancing around each other in light winds. They were built in the last month

VIDEO – Light winds and three good light wind boats = Dance

The Oz Goose Camera boat is no slouch at all in the light – a lively box – but the day belongs to the Viola Sailing Canoes sailed by Jenő Juhász and Anulu Első.

The sails are quite different – sails are difficult to appropriate in Hungary. The conventional triangular sail is from a local type of sailing dinghy and looks a good fit. The squaretop is made to the dimensions provided by me but is still being worked on. Looks like it needs a fair bit more luff round to match the bendy mast.

Dance of Violas -- Violák tánca

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viola sailing canoe 14ft 75lbs performance singlehanded sailing dinghy plan - storer boat plans

More on the Viola 14

The Viola plywood Sailing Canoe plan has the characteristics of a performance sailing dinghy with the portability of a wooden canoe. More Information on the Viola 14