Video of Third cruising day of the “Liguria Project”, with the intent to sail from East to West along the coast of Liguria, from Bocca di Magra to Bordighera, on MIRA, a homemade fast cruising dinghy, class Goat Island Skiff.
A Longer Video this time
- Day 1 – Bocca di Magra – Levanto
- Day 2 – Levanto – Sestri Levante
- Day 3 – Sestri Levante – Camogli
- Day4 – Camogli – Genova
- Day5 – Genova – Varazze
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Light Winds beckon to continue the sail along the Liguria Coast
Translated from the Italian
A weekend of high pressure (System) is rare this season and therefore it is essential and useful to continue the journey to the West with Mira my Goat Island Skiff. This Dinghy Cruising adventure started in Bocca di Magra can continue. There are no companions available: this time I leave alone.

Sunday, October 30th . At dawn I reach Sestri by car and find Mira, kindly hosted by the local LNI , where I meet the nice partner Carlo. Finished to arm, and found a solution for the parking of the car (solution: parking of the Coop, not near but free).
I take the sea towards the 10.30 , going out to oars from the mythical Bay of the Sogni . Blue sea, deserted beach and a warm sun are the pearls that this season of the year can give.

Today there is little wind and calm sea. So indeed it is. Proceed to sail and sometimes rowing through the Gulf Marconi with direct route to Portofino. Some nice cabins out of the local ports (Lavagna, Chiavari and Santa Margherita, Rapallo) keep me company. I am struck by the dirt present in these waters. I see floating a bit of everything: branches, cans, and a lot of foam .. and think that there is a fish farm.
Side Trip sailing my Cruising Dinghy into Portofino
I can not resist the temptation to slip my modest cruising dinghy into the small fjord of Portofino , until I find myself in front of the famous square.
Even just for a short time Mira becomes the subject of the shots of the many tourists on the quay .. what a satisfaction!

There is no time (nor reason) to disembark and so I resume navigation by dubbing the Capo di Portofino between beautiful gusts of wind.
Unfortunately these last a little and from here on, that is almost all the head of Portofino up to Puntachiappa and then up to Camogli will proceed slowly. Rowing, advancing in a sea as calm as the oil .
Another Side Trip sailing into the small town of San Fruttuoso
I still take the liberty of slipping into the fjord of Sanfruttuoso. Magical as always. Unfortunately there is no time for a dive on the Christ of the Abyss , for which I brought with me the apnea (snorkelling) equipment.

The arrival in Camogli takes place in the wings of 17.00, with the sun setting over the water that tints the landscape in orange. The marina is magical. I take a short reconnaissance tour and then choose a place near fishing boats.

Completed the mooring, ricecvo compliments (in fact Mira receives them) from a local gentleman who puts me and my cruising dinghy on guard. We have occupied a place reserved for residents. Probably a mortal sin. However the owner is not there and I leave tomorrow at dawn. Then..

Made the preparations for the night (accommodation tent-boom, staging bunk, etc). I give myself a lavish dinner based on anchovies in a nice spaghetti, then plunge into the arms of Morpheus (even lulled by Poseidon).
Original Article in Italian