Fourth cruising day of the “Liguria Project”, with the intent to sail from East to West along the coast of Liguria, from Bocca di Magra to Bordighera, on MIRA, a homemade racing and cruising dinghy, class Goat Island Skiff.
Some real Cruising dinghy sailing and the port of Genoa!
- Day 1 – Bocca di Magra – Levanto
- Day 2 – Levanto – Sestri Levante
- Day 3 – Sestri Levante – Camogli
- Day4 – Camogli – Genova
- Day5 – Genova – Varazze
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Bed on a cruising dinghy is small but still good sleep.
Translated from the Italian.
Monday, November 1st. The awakening cradled by the sea is always a good feeling. It ‘s strange: we can not say we sleep comfortably on Mira, but perhaps because of the fatigue accumulated during the day or for the satisfaction of being there (not all, eh?), The awakening is always absolutely satisfying .

Notwithstanding the program for today is intense, there is time for everything: washing teeth , rearrange cruising dinghy equipment and .. breakfast at the bar in the square.
Rowing out into the sea to start the day’s travel. Will there be sailing?
A chat with an inhabitant of the place while the village is still sleeping and then away, the moorings are released.

Today I would like to arrive in Genoa and precisely in Puntavagno , a small bay at the entrance to the port, a bay that has the rare merit of having a corridor between the beach and the road and therefore allowing the boat to be loaded on the roof of the car.

North Wind is helping. Perhaps a little too much.
A light breeze from the south makes it possible to sail. Also tow a line in the hope of catching a fish (with the sole purpose of being able to talk to him … yes, sailing alone is heavy ..), but in vain.

In wandering between a gust of wind and a session to the oars I slip into the small port of Nervi , between some local boat and many memories of me boy. Come out rowing from Nervi, here is the surprise. I see the sails flying over the water in the distance! Down there blows the tramontana (North Wind) !!

In fact, from time to time I can no longer keep the sail and I decide to take two reefs . Wise decision because as I expected the tramontana is absolutely irregular in intensity and direction as I approach the coast.

Maximum concentration keeping the cruising dinghy straight therefore in traveling the last miles. At the end, after two turns and a stroke of oars I touch the sand of the cove of Puntavagno.
So far our journey has taken us 100km from the beginning of this adventure
It is made.

Arrived! It seems impossible to me: from the start at Bocca di Magra they are more than 100 Km.

From here on the adventure continues with the means .. taxi, train, car , but also with Silvia and the boys (arrived from Turin by train) and many friends who help me to load Mira on the roof.

Well. Half Liguria is in your pocket! For the second half, that of Ponente, it will be discussed again in spring