The Kombi Canoe is a classic 50/50 Canoe for Sail and Pddle. It comes from three sheets of plywood, part Sailing Canoe, part Paddle Canoe and designed to do both jobs well. One or two persons
We know its sailing performance and stability will be much higher than most paddling canoes with sails. And the paddling performance won’t be compromised.
The Kombi is the most versatile of my sailing canoe designs and is the lowest cost to build.
Excellent sailing and good paddling together

Video of first Launching of Kombi Sailing Canoe
Dimensions and Expected hull weights for the 50/50 Sail and Paddle Canoe
- Length 4.74m (15’ 10”)
- Beam 0.86m (34”)
- Sail Area Unreefed 5sqm (54sqft) for light winds or 2 crew, reefable to 4.1 (44sqft) and 3sqm (32sqft)
- Estimated Hullweight 4mm Gaboon Ply 2oz glass – 21kg (45lb)
- 5mm Gaboon Ply glass tape – Estimated 25kg (55lb) First one weighed 26.5kg.
- Hull depth as on an average 2-person paddling canoe

Click here for additional Clip here of the
Video image can take a moment to load.
Performance and Stability Aims for the Kombi 50/50 sail and Paddle Canoe
Additional clip of the Kombi moving fast in light winds.
The aim for the design was for it to look as close as possible to a standard paddling canoe when the sailing gear was removed.
Joost Engelen and I have done a lot of work together on improving the sailing stability of Sailing Canoes without compromising ther amazing sailing speed. This design pushes the stability and sailing performance into a more paddling canoe format.
- More stability for less stressful sailing performance and handling
- A hullform much more along the lines of a paddling canoe than our previous Sailing Canoe work
- More sailing dinghy style handling with less chance of stalling halfway through a manouevre.

Our Viola Sailing Canoe (Right) pushed a canoe format hull toward the hullform of a good Sailing Dinghy. With flattened sections aft for increased sailing stability and higher speed potential.
It paddles quite OK for long distance events, but builder Joost noticed that many people want something truly dual purpose and suitable for one Or two people. Also as a paddling canoe for his family.

Materials needed and Building the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe
The Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe can be built from plywood from 5/32″ to 1/4″ or 4mm to 6mm. Three Sheets

And of course being canoe it is easy to transport and store.

We expect the hull weight to come in at 50 to 55lbs (23 to 25kg) built of 4mm (5/32″) gaboon ply with 2oz (80gsm) glass only where needed. This by far the most portable version and easy to cartop transport
There are three versions of the interior layout.

From 6mm Gaboon plywood the weight will be approximately 65 to 70lbs
Cheaper 6mm (1/4″) plywood would see the weight around 80lbs plus.
The design of the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe was kept minimal and meant to look as simple as a normal paddling canoe. This helps reduce the amount of timberwork in the hull which helps with the weight target and reduces the amount of labour.

Comments on Buoyancy Tanks for the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe
The aim with this design was to keep it simple and empty, like a paddling canoe.
Paddling canoes, whether commercial or from a plan, are often designed to be pretty empty.
We think the most common variant will be the two medium tanks built in with enough buoyancy for the hull to be bailed out with care – and still very light. Then foam buoyancy cushions or buoyancy bags can be added as needed.

The plans include basic information and video links for making buoyancy cushions by laminating three or four layers of foam sheet to match the curve of the side of the boat -EPS (extruded polystyrene – which is closed cell). And then cover it with a layer of EVA foam, we recommend cheap camping mats or yoga mats which are EVA. (take a breath before saying ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer foam). I think we just call it EVA!
The EVA stops the terrible squeaking of the bare EPS and provides a soft surface … and looks pretty cool. I think the grey colour will hide marks and stains. Note the attachment points made of plywood. Or they can be moulded in composite using cake moulds or sauce dishes.

For expeditions and different water conditions extra buoyancy is normally added to canoes as needed. Photo below is an experimental narrow version of our Quick Canoe showing homemade buoyancy bags for whitewater. Very low pressure is enough and they are restrained by criss crossing light lines over and at the end.

We have a section on our website for making your own PVD buoyancy bags and dry bags for canoes and kayaks. Also a good method if you want to make some waterproof dry bags for clothing etc.
Also there are cheap buoyancy bags available for sailing dinghies like the optimist for around $20 to $30 each.
Joost’s Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe Build Photo Diary
Comprehensive and detailed photos of the 50/50 Canoe build. There are many more building sets in the Albums section of the Storer Boat Plans Facebook Group.
other Sailing Canoes Options from Storer Boat Plans

Sailing Oriented performance but paddles ok see the Viola Sailing canoe. Two Modern sailplans and an easy to reef Balance Lug
Converting Canoe or dinghy to a simple sailboat – Drop In Sailing Rig
BETH Sailing Canoe – looks traditional but easy build and can freak out Lasers downwind – BETH sailing canoe
Convert Canoe to Outrigger Sailing Canoe – Drop in Outriggers
All our Boat plans are here