This is a page of guides for builders of the Viola 14 sailing canoe showing the methods of construction, fitting out and rigging that were too complex to put in the plan. Putting them here also allows updates easily
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Lug Rig Setup 6.3sqm including rudder setup and Hull rigging

Online – Lug Rig 6.3m and hull Rigging
Laminate Sail 4.7sqm and 6.0sqm Including Rudder Setup and Hull Rigging.

Foils for the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe

Rudderbox for the Viola Sailing Canoe
Paddling the Viola Sailing Canoe

The lightweight folding seat for ergonomic paddling of the Viola
20 Lug Rigging Tips applicable to any lug rigged boat
FREE PLAN – classic double paddle canoe paddle – longer than normal shop paddles –
Information and Plans for Viola 14 Sailing Canoe
More information on the Viola Sailing Canoe
Two years sailing the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe
20 Ways to Improve Lug Sail Performance including Rig Setup and Tuning