Rick Landreville is the Canadian PDRacer Champion in an modded OzRacer.
Rick LAndreville wins the Canadian PDRacer Championships in an OzRacer carefully modified to match the PDRacer rules.
Rick LAndreville wins the Canadian PDRacer Championships in an OzRacer carefully modified to match the PDRacer rules.
I am really glad I travelled by train rather than flying – even though I am pretty tired again. Gave me a strong feeling for how small and how far flung some of the towns are.
There were plenty of farms with a paddock full of defunct cars from the Model T right through to Studebakers from the 70s. What do you do with an old car in a country town?
Walked through Chinatown again to go to the Maritime Museum with Oly an internet boatbuilding Friend from the PDRacer forum.
Saw two of my boats there that were built by kids from the less advantaged part of the city. Spoke to Seth (right, Oly is left) one of the teachers/organisers.
Well, this is the first real post on Wordpress and it is about my trip to the USA for the Puddle Duck World titles plus a couple of months of other boating adventures.
from Brian Pearson who is finishing his RAID41 in the UK
The OzRacer is the first boat he has built and Alex is not necessarily taking the quickest way – But he is reporting daily about his building and his ruminations on different subjects.
Richard Harvey’s (the owner of the Norfolk Goat) son Mark has put a slide show up of the GIS being put together.
A new local (Adelaide) OzRacer has been on its way for a few months now – and has made a beautiful box. People pay money for a beautiful box!
Gyula Ferencz has launched the second OZ Racer with the lug sail. He built his boat in Romania