Duck Flat boat buidlng school Adelaide Australia.

Wooden Boat Building – 10 day Autumn Class

2007 – Duck Flat Wooden Boats in conjunction with Michael Storer Wooden Boat Plans will be running a 10 day boat building Autumn School.

Back from the Duck Flat Summer School

Boatbuilding school report – 12 different projects and sometimes up to 30 people miilling around.

The projects were
Two different CLC (Chesapeake Light Craft) Kayaks
Four Iain Oughtred Clinker boats – Puffin, Fulmar, a pram and a Skerry Skiff.
A couple of John Welsford’s designs a dory and a Jeanette.
A Bolger Gypsy
A Murray Isles Coorong Traveller
and one of my OzRacers