Sabre plywood dinghy. Make one yourself.

Q&A How to Race a Dinghy Successfully the Low Stress Way.

Racing shows that what you know is what you know. It doesn’t matter if the boat is less than perfect. So where is it best to put in the effort to improve results. Boat setup, knowing how to adjust for different wind conditions, practicing skills until they become automatic, sailing as much as possible … and teaching others.

Beth sailing canoe heading upwind with yachts in the background. A lug rig can point.

Achieve best Cost/Performance with Traditional Sailing Rigs – Balance, standing lugs and sprit rig sails

A guide for choosing cheaper alternative rigs. Balance Lug, Standing Lug, Sprit, Lateen and more. These rigs typically save a lot of money over conventional sailplans and set up right offer much the same performance. They respond to the same principles. Are boomless sails OK?

Wearing lifejackets and how to get kids to wear them too! Personal Flotation Devices – PFD1, PFD2, PFD3

Three times in my life I have gone sailing in small boats without a lifejacket. Two times the boat sank. One time I capsized and found that swimming and trying to get back on the boat is very difficult in FRESH water. Also a hint about how to get kids to wear their lifejackets … wear YOURS!

Eureka Canoe has a hollow entry like a classic canoe.

FAQ – Designing and building sailing and paddling canoes. Strip vs Plywood

How sailing and paddling canoe shapes differ.

How traditional canoe designs work really well and a lot of modern ones don’t.

Building a canoe – is ply or cedar strip better?

How to build a lightweight canoe – selection of materials – ply vs strip plank and timber species

Books for canoebuilding.

Winslow Homer Dory at sea

Is a Modern Lightweight Dory REALLY Seaworthy? Are Dories REALLY Seaworthy?

Dories are a part of the great American Maritime Tradition. From the book and film of Captain’s Courageous to all the folklore about fishermen surviving awful conditions at sea in a Dory.

But Do they really stack up to their press? It seems that every few weeks I see a new design for a rowing dory or a sailing dory.

Detail samples from our boat plans at Storer Boat Plans

Understanding the Boat Plans Business and how to use it as a consumer.

If you understand the plans business as a consumer then you can make best use of the system. A good plans agent will have experience with the types of boat and a large background in helping to solve problems. They may also be able to either supply materials or head you to the best places to get them.

Paulownia framed Goat Island Skiff for massive weight savings. Hull around 100lbs.

FAQ – Paulownia or Kirri – the “newest” lightweight timber for Boatbuilding.

We first started to see Paulownia becoming available from Plantations in Australia around 2004. Well before the current boom in its use for framing and hulls of dinghies, yachts and other boats. Paulownia is a very lightweight timber from China that provides one way of building lightweight boards and boats. How to overcome its weaknesses and make use of its strengths.

lightweight simple plywood SUP - stand up Paddleboard -

FAQ – Getting a hull smooth – Torture Boards for strip planking and decks

Torture boards are used for the highest grade of smoothing for visual smoothness of the whole structure. Fairing a strip planked hull.
Fairing a join between adjacent plywood sheets in a hull or deck.
Fairing a composite structure
Fairing deck substructure. Deckframes and deck stringers ready to take plywood.

Restoring traditional Australian workboats. USL Code.

FAQ USL Code restoration of scantlings for traditional Australian Boats.

The dominant source of timber sizings or scantlings for traditionally built workboats in Australia is the USL Code.  It would probably be OK for traditionally built workboats in other parts of the world. It has information for both traditionally planked or semi traditional plywood boats of larger sizes