Eureka Canoe Articles
This is a list of articles about the Wooden Eureka Canoe.
Follow this link you want the plan information for the Eureka Canoe.
The Articles on the Eureka Canoe include
- Building the Eureka Canoe
- Paddling the Eureka Canoe
- Making the Eureka and other Canoes into a Very lightweight canoe
- Paddle Plans and information
Eureka Touring Canoe Review – Scotland
This plywood canoe has been tried and tested on some of the major lochs in Scotland as a touring canoe and performs extremely well when fully loaded.
Build a Triple Canoe Storage Boat Rack for Kayaks and SUPs
I was looking for a suitable canoe rack to store 2 or 3 canoes above each other to make the most of the available space. But then I decided – make one!
Cool Nylon String Seats in Eureka Canoe Launch – Peter McKenzie
Eureka Canoe Launching. And a nice seat method with monofilament. Family canoe by Peter McKenzie and family in Queensland Australia
Eureka 155 canoe – Another Launching. Plywood touring canoe
Peter McKenzie and his sons from Queensland Sunshine Coast built a standard Eureka paddling canoe.
Weight was the standard 44lbs. Peter’s email gives some nice tips.
They are very happy campers.
Lightweighting a Plywood Canoe – Eureka 15kg (36lbs)
A whole bunch of strategies for lightweighting a plywood stitch and glue canoe. In this case a Storer Boat Plans Eureka Canoe. Standard build is around 44lbs. Ten lbs were saved to bring the weight down to 34 or 15k
FAQ – Designing and building sailing and paddling canoes. Strip vs Plywood
How sailing and paddling canoe shapes differ.
How traditional canoe designs work really well and a lot of modern ones don’t.
Building a canoe – is ply or cedar strip better?
How to build a lightweight canoe – selection of materials – ply vs strip plank and timber species
Books for canoebuilding.
FAQ – Materials for strip planked boat or canoe in Australia – for lightness and beauty.
Ultralight strip planked boats using Paulownia, Balsa and Western Red Cedar. Superlight Eureka Canoe and Goat Island Skiff and the amazing 12lb balsa canoe
All Videos – Canoes – Paddle Electric Sail
Canoe Video resource. Paddling canoes, Electric canoes, Sailing Canoes. Drop in rigs to make any canoe work as a sailboat. Videos on building, Paddling and sailing canoes
A UK Agent for Michael Storer Wooden Boat Plans – Fyne Boat Kits
Fyne Boat Kits has an excellent reputation for customer service and quality.
I am happy to announce that they will be gradually phased in as the UK Agents for storerboats kits, plans and materials.
Storerboats on Hungarian Television – Eurekára, Egy fakenu magyarországi sikere
Eureka Canoe on Hungarian TV. Csaba Mezai, storerboatplan’s agent in Hungary translated my plans into Magyar (Hungarian). He also runs by far the biggest website in that language – which includes a very active forum.
Storer Free Paddle Plans – slideshow of building by David Graybeal.
David Graybeal of Harbor Woodworks in Portland, Oregon built a pair of my wooden paddles from the free plans
See the link in the left column. Simple, but look way nicer than other simple paddles.
Outriggers on canoes and sailboat- Proas, Trimarans, even Catamarans.
Some basic questions were asked on my forum about the design of amas.
There are so many permutation of ama length, crossbeam width, ama volume with performance ranging from very poor to very good. But what are some of the basic criteria?
This might be the first Hungarian Messabout for Homebuilt Wooden Boats
A few photos and a short report from Hungary.
They held their first wooden boat messabout. 30 people, 10 boats and a big pot of homemade goulash!
Storerboats in Hungarian. Storerboats -> Magyar
Csaba is my agent in Hungary.
He has translated several of my plans to Hungarian.
This is some of his promotional material in Hungarian.
Jack Launches his Eureka Canoe. Built in Adelaide, finished in Melbourne – Pics
Jack is rather happy with his newly launched Eureka Canoe.
He has built it as a woodworking project over the last couple of years as time became available from his busy architectural practice.
Anyway … a bunch of nice photos and some of Jack’s writing.
Photos from Goolwa Wooden Boat Show 2011 – looking forward to 2013!
Photos and slideshow from the Goolwa Wooden Boatshow 2011.
Over 250 boats – mostly in the water. Wooden hydroplanes, “restricted 21s”, riverboats, putt putt launches, classic sailing boats, kayaks, canoes and more.
I had the quick canoe, the eureka canoe and the OzRacer on the stand that was shared with Duck Flat Wooden Boats and Boatcraft Pacific. Good time was had by all.
Storer Boat Plans at the free Goolwa Wooden Boat festival – Feb 26/27
The Goolwa Wooden Boat show is on the coming weekend.
Storer Boat Plans and Duckflat are having a joint stand as per normal.
The show itself is free this year with 250 boats entered in events or on display.
DIY PVC Buoyancy bags and dry bags for dinghies, kayaks and canoes
You can pay money for dry bags to store gear in when canoeing, kayaking or sailing. Or pay even more for buoyancy bags that keep you boat afloat after capsize.
Here Ian tells us how we can make our own cheaply.
Video of Quick Canoe in Hungary.
A video of the Quick Canoe in action.
My Agent in Hungary who sells plans in both English and Hungarian has launched the first Quick Canoe in those parts. It is designed as a very simple and easy to build boat. It is not a perfect high performance boat, but the numbers have been worked out to give good performance despite the simple shape. It won’t be as good as the best fibreglass canoe, but it will be better than many average ones. And much cheaper and lighter.