Slideshow of building Method for the Eureka Stitch and Glue Plywood Canoe
Slideshow and pictures resources to show some of the methods for building the Eureka Stitch and Glue Plywood Canoe.
The Articles on the Eureka Canoe include
Slideshow and pictures resources to show some of the methods for building the Eureka Stitch and Glue Plywood Canoe.
This page compares the two plywood canoes in my range. Both have detailed plans and are simple to build.
The page is to explain the differences and to help potential builders see if one of the boats suits their needs.
Lots of links to pictures, build articles and even videos.
The cla
Modified method for building the classic stitch and glue Eureka Canoe makes the stitching process more controllable – these methods have been added to the Eureka Canoe Plan and the Quick Canoe Plan.
We have moved much of our activity to the Facebook Groups. See the links in the Menu above. But there are so many great questions asked and discussed on the Oz Woodwork Forums..
Any paint or varnish can be turned into a non skid paint without buying anything more than some coarse grain sugar. The texture provides good footing and has no sharpness that will hurt your feet.
Peter Hyndman has been building his Eureka Canoe forever. I think it is still not finished – however he did document it beautifully
Interview/Podcast with Michael Storer on why Australian boats are different, why traditional rigs have some distinct advantages.
Peter Hyndman has been boiling down the essence of the Eureka Canoe he has been building and created a great new website that runs through all the processes of building
This is the normal method for fibreglassing small areas for home boatbuilders – typically using fibreglass tape to hull seams, very common on stitch and glue and plywood boats
Slideshow of 600 photos of boatbuilding school in Adelaide South Australia. Storer boats, Oughtred boats, Redmond boats, Bear Mountain boats
Another Eureka canoe has been launched – this one by Peter McKenzie – He is quite happy about the way the boat goes both light and loaded.
Boatbuilding school report – 12 different projects and sometimes up to 30 people miilling around.
The projects were
Two different CLC (Chesapeake Light Craft) Kayaks
Four Iain Oughtred Clinker boats – Puffin, Fulmar, a pram and a Skerry Skiff.
A couple of John Welsford’s designs a dory and a Jeanette.
A Bolger Gypsy
A Murray Isles Coorong Traveller
and one of my OzRacers