Balance Lug Rig Performance compared to conentional bermudan rigs - Lasers and Fireballs

Video of Balance Lug Rig Performance vs Lasers and Fireballs

A video comparing Lug Rig Performance with conventional rigs in a real race. A Goat Island Skiff takes part in a regular club race against Fireballs and Lasers. Where will it end up? Does it actually have a “bad tack” where it can’t compete? The answer might challenge your assumptions about sailing rig performance

Goat island skiff john goodman in texas 200 mile event - storer boat plans

20 ways to boost Lug rig and lug sail performance! Rigging and Tuning.

All our lug rig information on one page. We have seen the change from the balance lug being almost forgotten to becoming the predominant rig for small self built wooden boat. This was the situation a hundred years ago. We can still use the cheapness and effectiveness of this rig to create boats with very quick and pleasant sailing characteristic. - Cheap sails for Goat Island Skiff, OzRacer, OzGoose, PDRacer, PDgoose

First sailing photos of low cost sails for Storerboats

After a week or so of bad sailing weather, Daniel in Uruguay got out on the water in Piriapolis harbour to try out his new sail from in the Philippines. The idea is to halve the price of sails for my plans so that it is even more economical to build a storerboat. This can save $300 plus

Affordable sails for Storer Boat Plans - Goat Island Skiff, OzRacer, PDRacer, Ocean Explorer

Affordably Priced Sails for Storer Boats saves $300 or more on your Goat Island Skiff, Oz Goose or Oz Racer.

Custom sails for other boats are also available and will represent a cost saving on your boatbuilding project.

These are full quality sails that we all have worked hard to keep the price down on without reducing quality.

Mark Milam’s gorgeous wooden Duck – an OzRacer RV sailboat

Mark Milam has done an amazing job of overseeing a project combining his work with that of a boatbuilder friend. Also the best method I have seen of supporting a windsurfer mast in a sailing dinghy.

Wonderful woods, some great detail design and the very best fitting of a windsurfer rig to a dinghy that I have ever seen.