Exciting to hear about a plan that turns into something – Chuck of Duckworks talking about a small boatshow that turned into the Port Aransas Ply Wooden Boat Festival
Part of my USA Road Trip was sitting in a car with Chuck of Duckworks
The talk about the boat festival is what turned into the Port Aransas Ply Wooden Boat Festival hosted by Chuck of Duckworks and Josh of Small Craft Adviser Magazine.
I was sitting in Chuck’s car as we were driving to the Lake Conroe Messabout. I knew that he had some plans for the Texas 200 event – to extend the concept and starting a new small boat festival on the Texas coast in a couple of years.
UPDATE – and it did happen! And I was there one year at Port Aransas
But since the Hurricane hit in 2008 (?) there has been a delay in restarting it.

Lake Conroe Messabout Slideshow
The purpose of the drive was to get to Lake Conroe for a messabout. Here is the slideshow
My set of boat photos from the Lake Conroe Wooden boat messabout.

Discussion about the boatshow that would become the Port Aransas Ply Wooden Boat show.
The festival is a conspiracy between Josh Colvin of the Small Craft Adviser magazine and Chuck.
The idea is to involve a small town on the Texas Coast in what will be an annual event, starting in 2011.
It won’t be specifically for wooden boats, but they will make up a big part of it.
There is quite a bit of road noise at times, but I have filtered a lot of it out.
Chuck of Duckworks talks about a different type of Texas200 event.

Chuck is also planning to have a second Texas 200 event next year.
The idea is similar to the gliding event of a “cat’s cradle” where there are a number of points the boats can head to. Each boat chooses which points it will go to.
This will make it rather interesting in terms of predicting the wind and working out which direction will advantage your monohull, canoe, kayak or multihull.
One interesting thing is that the race will be monitored in real time on the net using the SPOT locating devices which will update participant’s positions on the net.
Chuck has already been trialling the system using this year’s Texas 200.