This Epoxy FAQ solves typical problems to save money and effort for boat building and boat repair. How to use epoxy resin, fibreglass, wood and plywood for home boatbuilding. And some boat restoration and racing prep tips.
How to Choose Epoxy or other resin or glue and fallacies about salt and epoxies that “soak in”

A 30 year review of epoxy for built boats
Epoxy vs Polyester Resins
Why Epoxy comes out on top of Resorcinol vs Polyurethane and modified PVA+ Glues
Preventing Rot Pt 1- Don’t throw salt inside the boat – PLEASE!
Preventing Rot Pt 2 – The epoxies that “soak in” fallacy
Eliminating Screws and other Fasteners – save money and do a better job
Amazing fast building and repairs purely by elimininating permanent fastenings
Are 1 to 1 (1:1) Epoxys any good for boat building
How to recognize when epoxies have been cheapened and performance compromised
Using Epoxy for Wooden Boat Building and boat repair

- Fiberglassing Boats
- Glass Taping Chines
- Glues and Gluing Wood
- Coating with Epoxy
- Laying Teak Deck overlay veneer
- Repairing Wood Rot
- Epoxy Boatbuilding FAQ
Epoxy fiberglass Method 1 – Small Areas
How to epoxy fiberglass chines or joins between plywood boat panels
Epoxy fiberglass Method 2 – Complex Curves
Epoxy fiberglass Method 3 – Large Areas – reducing the emotional pressure of the epoxy going off
Saving Labour by epoxy precoating plywood sheets
And how precoating plywood sheets or boat and canoe panels saves epoxy and makes sanding easy –
How do I apply epoxy glue fast, accurate and clean
Saving Material and Labour with epoxy by accurately and quickly placing epoxy where it is needed.
Painting and Varnishing
The secrets of fast plywood boat assembly
Cordless drills for timber structure assembly – speed up your boat building methods
Teak Decks over plywood – methods techniques and a trick
How to use Sikaflex and Epoxy for Teak Decks over Plywood substrate for yachts
Teak Boat Decks and Sikaflex, 5200 etc
Epoxy curing problems
Why is the epoxy still soft two days later?
Preparing timber for gluing or fiberglassing – rough is definitely bad!
Making epoxy flow in cold climates
A lightbox to keep epoxy warm so it spreads easily and pumps well in cold weather boat building
Avoiding starved epoxy joins for scarf and other joints
Racing Dinghy Boat Repair and Restoration including sailing dinghy case studies
- Mirror Dinghy stitch and glue Boat Repair,
- Sabre – preparation of an older boat for racing
- International Cadet – redecking
- Scantlings for old boats
Fixing up old boats and making new ones better
Step one in Plywood Sailing Dinghy, sailing canoe and Catamaran restoration – deciding if it is a keeper
Step 2 – Triage – what to fix and what not to fix when restoring an old racing dinghy, canoe or plywood catamaran
Reducing Centreboard Maintenance with Centrecase and rudderbox Padding
International Cadet plywood racing dinghy restoration – change a cheap boat into a fast performer.
How to remove OIL and DIESEL that has soaked into Timber Boat Hull
Why I hate Silicon sealant on boats
Can I use Bamboo for small boat spars? Guidance on Open/Oz Goose Website
Wooden Boat Building Advice, General non epoxy FAQ – cedar strip, decks, lightweight small boat building advice
Torture Boards – how to get cedar strip or deck framing smooth so decks aren’t lumpy.
Scantlings for a very light balsa or Paulownia canoe can show us what we can get away with
Join Plywood for Boat Decks – Don’t Copy Housebuilders! Boat Building knowledge
Lightweight timber for lightweight small boats – which timber? Paulownia (Kirri)
Fast building two plywood canoes using Duct tape as an alternative to cable ties or copper wire
In Praise of FAST wooden boat building methods – why I hate boatbuilding
Design and Plan info – Altering or modifying boat plans, Birdsmouth spars, Dory design, Collision, boat strength, Canoe design
Is it OK to shrink or stretch an existing boat design
Old plywood boat designs vs modern designs
Buying a Boat Plan and what you should know
Birdsmouth Spars
Should I build a Birdsmouth mast with butt joints or scarf joints?
Design of specific boat types – the good and the bad
Canoe Design – features of plywood, strip planked, fiberglass canoes and sailing and paddling canoes
Will giving my boat, surfboard, windsurfer, sailboard or yacht a golfball dimple finish reduce drag?
Is it sensible to design a lightweight plywood Dory for rowing or sailing?
Cedar Strip canoes and boats, Epoxy and Impact
SAILING and learning to sail – how to get control of the boat.

This Section Sponsored by our
Really Simple Sails Sailmaking
Learn to sail – choosing a first boat
How to choose a first boat – Should I buy new, build or buy secondhand?
TABLE OF CONTENTS – Sailing Lessons
Our Growing list of Free Online Sailing Lessons – more approx weekly

Tiller and How to feel the sail
Fundamentals 1 – Lesson on Tiller handling for Sailboats
Sailing Lesson 1 Manoeuvres
Tacking And Gybing – Turning Around – Taking the pressure off.

Safe Gybe Technique and Fast Gybe Techniques.
Sailing Lesson 2 Upwind
Basic Sailing Upwind – Light and Moderate Conditions
Sailing Upwind in Gusty Conditions – when a gust hits.
Sailing Upwind in Gusty Conditions – when a gust ends (Technical)

Sailing Lesson 3 Downwind
Some useful sailing tips for beginner sailors
Some basics of learning to sail that often get ignored at the beginning.
How to make it easy to get kids to wear life jackets – and a how the world’s best sailor drowned.
Why wearing lifejackets is essential – and how to get kids to wear their lifejackets!!!
Some more advanced rigging, boat handling and sailing tips and tricks

Construction and Building Questions from the Early OzRacer days.
Relate to OzRacer, OzGoose and general boat construction and sailing.
The Sailing Gear Arms Race and the Oz Goose
Why exotic second hand parts of other boat should not be used on low cost boat types
Hull Structure for Plywood Boats

How light can a OzRacer be built of wood and epoxy
? 10kg/25lbs?
The Death of Small Boat Sailing in Australia. TOO EXPENSIVE.
Designing sailboats to be stiff. Oilcanning and Twisting and the role of torsion boxes – epoxy for wooden boats including repairs
Plywood, Thickness, puncture protection

What are the correct plywood thicknesses for robust small boats
Peter on how much resistance to puncture does ply really need to have
Centerboards and Leeboards