The Hungarian Wooden Boat group displayed the build of a Viola 14 Sailing Canoe at the annual boat show from a flat pack kit to a complete boat appearing 3 weeks later along with sailing videos.

More on the Viola 14
The Viola plywood Sailing Canoe plan has the characteristics of a performance sailing dinghy with the portability of a wooden canoe. More Information on the Viola 14
Three days at the boatshow and a sailing canoe appears

Assembly started at the boatshow. Compare the photo above with the one below – and the first one launched into the water a three weeks later.

A brisk assembly process – 3 days included epoxy filleting the internal joins.
Building slideshow of the first Viola 14 Sailing Canoe

A full slideshow of the original Viola build is here.
Viola 14 Sailing Canoe as a Living Room Accessory
Juhasz Jeno took his canoe home to continue work in his living room. It is decorative and doesn’t interfere with the sightlines of the TV

Launching day of a newly built boat
Work continued until the magic day – the Launch!

It looks truly beautiful on the launching site.

The Viola 14 gets appropriate ceremony to gain the acceptance of the water gods. Always give them the good stuff. The Gods only need a few drops. The rest is for … the celebration.

A sailboard rig as a trial. Even with that compromise rig (not recommended) the report was:-
Howdy boatbuilders, the second Viola 14 sailing canoe with a temporary surf rig was launched today in Budapest/Hungary.
According to Juhász Jenő (the builder) it went very well in light breeze. It planes very easily and picks up speed quickly while it is stable and easy to manoeuvre.
Well done Jenő, thanks for the excellent design Michael Storer. To be continued soon with the permanent rigging.

Videos of the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe. from Hungary
Since, it has been fitted with its final sailplan. Juhasz is practicing to improve speed and handling.
Video image can take a moment to load.
And …
Video image can take a moment to load.

More on the Viola 14
The Viola plywood Sailing Canoe plan has the characteristics of a performance sailing dinghy with the portability of a wooden canoe. More Information on the Viola 14