Nice Iconic photos here :) – Stephen Foster built this lovely example of the 23ft Dayboat Launch Plan – A simply built family cruising motor boat. We know these boats have a good action in a short chop. But here we have video evidence.

Originally designed as a hire and drive boat.
Originally it was an open boat drawn up for the management team at Betty Bay (sorry, Elizabeth Bay) Marina in what is now a very well heeled part of Sydney. It was to be a hire and drive boat, but since that time I’ve released the plan for home boatbuilders. See our main article.

Please find attached some photos my Day Boat Launch, Neptune’s Daughter.
After several trips on the Hawkesbury/Nepean River system I took her out on to Sydney Harbour. I was a terrific day with perfect weather and finished with near perfect water.
There was a bit of chop, low swells and River Cat wash to contend with to get to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. She handled it all well and proved to be very stable and comfortable to be in. The trip back to Five Dock Bay was much calmer and very pleasant.
Video of Dayboat on the River and later in some heavy chop which is handled smoothly
The area is going up the Hawkesbury River wind against tide. Can see from the water on the windscreen that there is significant chop.
But not a bit of pitching from the Launch.
Video image can take a moment to load.
The owner is more than happy
Stephen lives further North out of the bustle of the city and built “Neptune’s Daughter” over a couple of years.
Stephen wrote:
I hope that you find them pleasing and confirming as to your wonderful design.

I’m happy with that!
The Building Process over two years
The photos show a very nicely finished boat – and Stephen and crew have been very careful to pose with a bunch of Sydney icons. Very nice!
We had a bit of communication through the two year building period as the plans for the Dayboat show a simple, but nice looking hull that can be largely prefabricated on the flat then assembled into the 3D boat. Be aware that it is not one of my super comprehensive boat plans – it consists of about 10 drawings and some notes and a basic materials list that will have to be adapted. Stephen spent a bit of time on the woodwork :)

Also the interior is not defined. Stephen and I had some early correspondence about a basic layout that would support the hull sides adequately.
A Sketch of the interior is a good idea – on graph paper with real sizes of real benches, settees and WC area measured from real life.
I can do a couple of checks to make sure it will fit (berths and settees and WCs are no good if they are drawng too small!) and will support the bottom and sided adequately.
There is very little internal framing inside the boat – the built in furniture does the job of stiffening the structure. As far as adding a cabin structure, this has to be kept VERY light – 6mm ply with a 9mm roof at maximum. Most increase the adaptability of the boat and keep the weight down by having roll down canvas side curtains for the cockpit area. This is also a great strategy for easy trailering.

The longer 27ft Venezia is the same concept
If you need more accommodation there is the 27ft Venezia – same width but 5ft more boat – though the roof and canvas side and rear curtains can go to through to the back of the boat. This next photo is the Hawkesbury River.

Design Parameters
Narrowness in this powerboat is for smooth handling in rough water
This is a small boat for 23ft in terms of width – you can’t go any wider without making it a helpless pig in rough water.
She is not an ocean going boat by any stretch of the imagination.
Think about her as a 16ft aluminium dinghy with a 8hp outboard (She’s 23ft with a 10hp outboard) in terms of rough water capability and enjoy the extra comfort, space, lack of vibration and shade from the sun and shelter from the wind.
Narrowness/Slenderness also allows the low power to push the boat very effectively
One of the aims was to keep it smooth and dry and fast with 10hp.
The slender hull is what gives you the good speed under low power and much less chance of being thrown around by wakes and reflected waves that you are likely to meet in her home habitat of rivers, estuaries and lakes.

She is not designed to go fast – a 10hp high thrust outboard will give you 7 to 8 knots and 15 a bit more – but because she is a low drag shape for low speeds she will stick her nose up in the air if you try to go faster. The extra power is nice to have if the weather turns bad and you need to push against headwinds and a short chop.

See Our Boat Plans.
More on the 23ft dayboat and 27ft Venezia