Peter Hyndman has been boiling down the essence of the Eureka Canoe he has been building and created a great new website that runs through all the processes of building in a step by step way including pictures and description of each step.
It also has a link to the videos from our recent picnic in Mooloolaba where we had 3 PDRacers, 2 Eureka Canoes and the Goat Island Skiff.
Here is the launch of the Eureka Canoe on Video
There is one video of the actual launch of PhilW’s beaut Eureka and another with different groups of paddlers giving it a try. The varnish was only just dry.
This is back from the steam driven days of Youtube!
Video image can take a moment to load.
Note that he didn’t waste too much wine in the video launch sequence.
I’m a bit interested about how women tend to like canoes above and beyond other boats – there is a real enthusiasm from them to try – where there can be reluctance with either sailing or motor boats.
Remember that the old storer forum has a couple of Eureka Canoe threads too.
Please enjoy!