This simple to build boarding ladder for small boats was put together by Enrico Franconi in Italy.
It is made from wood, some fastenings and glue. It suits the appearance of most sailing dinghies much better than a stainless steel ladder.
This timber boarding ladder for small boats is designed and made by Enrico Franconi in Italy. Materials needed are from wood, some screws and glue. It suits the appearance of most sailing dinghies much better than a stainless steel ladder.
He has been using it for around 3 years. Video instructions and dimensions are below.
Enrico uses it for swimming and diving. He has many adventurous videos of sailing along the Italian Coast – Genoa, Pisa, Liguria and many other locations.

Video for Making a light Wooden Transom Boarding Ladder for Sailing Dinghies.
Watch the video to see the method and thinking behind the ladder.
Video image can take a moment to load.
Dimension of wooden boarding ladder are below.
The Light Wooden ladder may be useful for capsize recovery for some boats
It is not needed for capsize recovery on Enrico’s Goat Island Skiff, but it may be useful for reboarding after capsize on other boats.
Typically boats that are larger, have water ballast or come upright after capsize with little or no water inside may need a ladder
Enrico uses his Goat Island Skiff “Mira” for adventurous sailing along the coast of Italy, so it is a useful safety factor. Much lighter than most other options.
See Enrico’s Fabulous YouTube Channel
More about the Goat Island Skiff
A Caution about permanent folding ladders
If fitting a ladder make sure it will not interfere with the mainsheet during a gybe. Some boats have the mainsheet mounted right at the back of the boat.
With the Goat Island Skiff the falls of the mainsheet are some distance ahead of the transom. The mainsheet falls don’t catch on the the ladder top.
Some boats the mainsheet catching on the ladder is a serious problem. The Ladder can be redesigned in that case.
So think about whether the ladder will suit your boat
Enrico Wrote:

Dimensions of the Timber Simple to build Boarding Ladder for Sailing Dinghies
People keep asking him about it … so here are the details. Screenshots of the two images with dimensions in Millimetres.

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