We have been waiting for a while for some more photos and longer videos of the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe. Here Joost’s photos and three videos of sailing and paddling this multi-purpose canoe.
The boat does look a little unconventional on the water because of the flattened aft sections to provide extra stability. This removes the feeling of instability and provides instant acceleration as extra wind is turned quickly into extra speed without having to jump around the boat.
Judge for yourself in his videos of the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe.
29kg (64lb) hull and light rig makes for easy transport, storage and handling on and off the water
More Information and Full Specification for the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe is here
Kits for the Kombi are available in Australia, UK, Europe, North America

New Sailing Photos of the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe – all images are clickable for higher resolution.
Here are Joost and Viola sailing around on the Kombi.
Viola sailing the Kombi, Joost sailing downwind, Joost sailing a bit free, Joost and Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe all powered up.

Videos of the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe From Joost
The three sailing videos are very nice to see. As the designer the thing I want to see is a low bow wave, a smooth wake and good acceleration with small wind increases
In a way the natures of paddling canoes and sailing canoes are contradictory.
A paddling canoe wants directional stability. But too much and when sailing the boat becomes hard to to tack, gybe and generally manoeuvre. It looks OK in these videos with Joost able to tack and gybe quite fine.
The extra stability of the hullform is indicated by the unhurried approach to the sailing. No great rush to get on the windward gunwale when a gust hits or to clamber into the middle of the boat when the gust ends. This is what we were aiming at with the flattened aft sections.
Kombi 50/50 Canoe Video 2
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Kombi 50/50 Canoe Video 1 – Initial Launch
As almost always with a new boat … a bit of a shaky start and not really enough wind. But no stability problems. It turns and accelerates in small gusts
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Kombi 50/50 Canoe Video 3 – A bit further away
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New Photos of the Kombi Sail and Paddle Canoe in Static and Paddling Modes
The aim of the boat on the paddling side was for it to look as normal as possible for a paddling canoe with a minimum of sailing junk getting in the way of it behaving like a normal paddling canoe.
Click any of the images to see a higher res version. In the workshop the night before launching. The Kombi floating lightly on the water. Joost and Son paddling the Kombi for the first time.
And a cool webbing handles for canoes made with paracord. The cool trick is the plywood decks glued to the top of the inwales will stop the hole the handle goes through from splitting.

our other Boat Plans
We have a range of canoe sailing options. Canoes are the most easy to transport and store boat type.
Viola 14 Sailing Canoe for serious dinghy sailors
Drop in Outriggers to convert almost any canoe and some dinghies and kayaks into a formidable multihull sailboat
Drop in Sailing Rig to Make most canoes or a small dinghy into a relaxed sailboat
We also have the lovely Eureka paddling Canoe and the easy to build Quick Canoe
And then our general boatbuilding plans