I Caught up with Tomtre yesterday in Brisbane – he picked me up and we dodged rain squalls while driving down to the coast.
Had a nice discussion along the way. And the boat just looked great on the water. I am still nursing my bung foot so I didn’t go for a row. Got a lot of feedback from Tom and also found we knew each other in a past life – when we were in our teens we used to go to a sailing camp at Lake Munmorah on the NSW central coast.
The most important practical upshot Is that we measured up the revised skeg size – remember I drew it oversized – as it is easier to cut it down than glue more on. Tom has trimmed it so the boat behaves nicely cross breeze rather than the nose blowing away from the wind.
I will post those dimensions shortly.
So here are some pics.
Looks rainy, right – wrong – it bucketed down on the way down to the Coast at Nudgee.
The land dolley from a set of Hobie wheels. They have changed over to pneumatic tyres – probably a retrograde step.

Looks like there is enough water to float it in the carpark

And Upstream and down it has good directional stability now the skeg has been trimmed down. Because it was too large the bow used to blow away from the wind.
Stability – in a static sense anyhow. It would be possible to capsize if you moved quite quickly

Aerial view

I was there!
Best wishes