There are two versions of OzRacer. The original, slightly more performance oriented version the Mk2 for solo sailors with occasional crew (photo right) and the OzRacer RV with more space in the cockpit.
There is also the 12ft Oz Goose, which uses the same sails and centreboard and is good for 3 adults rather than 1.5.
8ft OzRacer Plan Information here
12ft Oz Goose Plan Information here
Dakota (age 11) builds an OzRacer
Well almost. The Oz Racers and many of the original duckers have departed the PDRacer organisation. Most of us just call them “Ducks” now and they have an active scene free of politics. The OzRacer is a Duck that is designed to sail very well indeed. The more bits you get right on a boat, the better it goes and the OZ has well and truly been put through that process. Just for the rig we went through four masts and four sail designs before getting them just right for best performance.
The OzRacer and versions of it modified to fit the PDRacer rules correctly won the world titles three years running. So the sailing ability is not a fluke.
There are also a bigger and bigger range of Ducks. The OzRacer Mk2 on the right here, the OzRacerRV which is even simpler to built, the KIWI Duck from fellow designer John Welsford, a cabin version Ocean Explorer by Perttu Korhonen in Finland and several version of geese … the approx 12ft version of the same beast.
The look and feel of the page is a replica of Peter Hyndman’s PDRacer.info website and links straight in simply by clicking on the menus so you can see the pics and videos in our galleries – the videos in particular show just how well we have made this boxy boat sail.
If you feel like it you can order a plan – $40 – but don’t feel any pressure – have a look round the site.
Also links to building photo sequences and much more. You can ask questions about the boat on the OzRacer parts of the UBeaut OZ Woodwork Forum – just click on “contacts”.
Alternatively you can email either Peter or me directly.
A fine effort by web maestro Peter Hyndman.
The Sexiest OzRacer (formerly Oz PDRacer)? Do I have to race against that thing!?!