Finally I finished the plan for the new OzRacer RV. It is a much simpler build of the original OzRacer concept so will be very attractive to people looking for a first boat. Plans are $30 but even more detail than before. Order the plans for the simple and cheap OzRacer RV sailboat here.
OZ Racer Mk 2 – 8ft better for one person or club racing
OZ Racer RV – 8ft better for one or two and cruising – still quick
Oz Goose website – 12ft Longer version for the whole family
Great photos of two new OzRacer Mk2 sailboats in Budapest, Hungary
first … have a look at these great pictures of a couple of OzRacer Mk2 that were launched in Budapest, Hungary over the last week. Plans available here – same $30 sailboat plan.

From the builder Jeno:
The lugger rig is ready for OZR HUN-8!
The power is very impressive of the new rig! The mast is remained the carbon one, the flexibility and the stregth seems enough. Tis afternoon I try it again, the wind is 35Km/h.
Now, I learn the settings, for get the best performance.
Also, this afternoon will be the first flight of OZR HUN-7!

And a video … the boats like rougher water even better. This type has strongly re-educated me about what is essential for good boat performance rather than what is conventional thinking. The new OzRacer RV has the same sparkling performance and proper efficient racing dinghy feel.

And there is a video of one of the boats too.
Video image can take a moment to load.
Plans now available for the OzRacerRV – making the simplest sailboat even simpler.
But now to the new OzRacerRV
$40 for detailed plans for the OzRacerRV simple cheap sailboat available from my agents – click here

- 98 pages including timber lists in imperial and metric,
- building instructions with full detail of all building methods
- Simpler building method using duct tape to temporarily assemble the hull.
- full method for making a decent sail out of polytarp and
- rigging directions.
- Sent direct to your email address.
How to choose between the OzRacer Mk2 and OzRacerRV sail boat plans.
The plans for the OzRacer Mk2 and the OzRacerRV are the same price – $40.
Buy OzRacer Mk2 Sailing dinghy Plans
Buy OzRacer RV Sailing dinghy Plans
The differences are smaller than you might expect in terms of sailing.
If you are a beginning sailor or wanting to get the boat on the water quickly and simply the OzRacerRV is the best choice. It builds faster, requires less timber. It is one extra sheet of plywood but the simpler and faster assembly is well worthwhile.
The OzRacer Mk2 is a boat that will appeal more to the experienced sailor. Everything is set up according to normal Dinghy Racing setups.
The RV has a leeboard which keeps the cockpit completely clear for the extra crewperson. They are ideally located to share the sailing whereas in the Mk2 they really can only be a passenger. The leeboard does mean for experienced sailors … that the boat will have weather helm on one tack and lee helm on the other. But I have set it up to be only slight lee helm and the rudder is big enough to balance the weather helm without excessive angle or drag.
Also if I was doing a long trip I think the RV would be simpler to stow gear.
Here is the simple building method of the RV using the “revolutionary” :) duct tape method that simplifies the building over normal stitch and glue. The whole interior of the boat is clean when duct-taped together so it simplifies the glass taping or epoxy filleting of the inside of the boat before the duct tape is removed.
And here is the more conventional assembly of the OzRacer Mk2
11 Year Old Girl Builds the OzRacer with her Dad
11 year old Dakota Jones Builds an OzRacer with her dad Larry.

An excessively beautifully finished Oz Racer
“Fart Blossom” built for Mark Milam by master boatbuilder.

Why many of us have moved to the Oz Goose

The Oz Racer is a neat little boat that doesn’t need much storage room.
But for very little extra cost (2 sheets plywood) most of are building Oz Geese these days. The cost is little because the centreboard, Rudder, Rudderbox, sail and spars are more or less the same as the OzRacer. Only significant difference is the Goose is 50% longer
If storage is not a problem the Oz Goose is a bit easier to slide up onto roofracks, carries three adults, is much more thrilling to sail without losing the pleasant and predictable handling of the Oz Racer.