This is a prototype of the S12 sailing dinghy that I designed and Rick built with gaboon ply and full epoxy gluing and sealing – a project that needs to be taken to its conclusion. Most bits are there – detailed below.

Near Vancouver.
The idea was for a very simple rectangular skeleton could have something more curvaceous wrapped around it.

Free for someone with knowledge to get it sailing (with our help).
Half selling price to Rick when sold.

It has been stalled because I designed a rig that was new ground for Rick and it was hard to sort it out half a world away.
- 12 x 5 1/2ft
- Hull weight 110lbs
- Sail area 75sf Sailrite sail
- West epoxy
- Racelight fittings and blocks
- Spectra cordage, etc.
- Boat will handle a range of body weights
Something this light and narrow is going to be frisky and fun.
The boat needs
- Centreboard and rudder blade – full instructions available for making accurate blades to boost performance to what is expected.
- A very small modification to the underside of the wings to increase the strength of the structure
- Maybe a new rig or serious work on the existing rig – read on.

Not a sailboat for just anyone – experienced small boat sailor wanted

There is some extra development work needed.
The current rig has some problems that will need some money spent to sort out. Not a lot of money, but some.
Option 1 – Use existing sail and troubleshoot rig
The current mast needs to be set up again according to my notes and a mast bend measurement taken – at the moment the mast is not bending as much as we expected. We can then use this to work out the optimum luff round for the sail. Then pay a local sailmaker to make the change.
Option 2 – Small modification to hull to change to a freestanding mast and a new sail like this

This would be a less complicated setup. The hull is partway setup to take a freestanding mast but would need the deck modified and a step to be fitted. Just wood and plywood
The purchase of aluminum tubes for the mast – it is a simple job to put them together – we have a pictorial on that. Then rig the boat, attach the boom with a line between the masthead and boom end and tension the mainsheet and vang.
Then measure the bend according to a diagram I will supply.
We would then make you a sail at cost.