A cut together video demonstrating the hullform of the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe makes it into one very stable sailing canoe. Reasonable paddling and excellent sailing speed come from the stability as it carries large sails with ease.
Viola 14 is a Stable Sailing Canoe which is fun to sail.
This is the lug rig which can be raised or lowered on the water. There is also a choice of 6m and 5m squartop laminate sails.
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A longer version of the sail raising
There was a comment on youtube from “Rusty Knorr” who in his wisdom suggested that the camera was turned off or film edited to hide a capsize.
Below a video of the extended sequence taken from the tour video showing that the Viola is one very stable sailing canoe.
In the Netherlands it is not unusual to have to pull the rig down and rehoist the sail 6 or even a dozen times a day. If capsizes were common it would be a useless boat for this country.*
So I guess we have exceeded at least one expert’s expectation of canoe stability.
There is much much more stability than a normal canoe.
Video image can take a moment to load.
For more information about the Viola 14 Sailing Canoe
Links below, this is the 5sqm sail.

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