Benjamin asked why are boat plans sold as a PDF file so expensive on our Facebook Group for the Goat Island Skiff. The members of the group replied with their reviews of their experience of the plans
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The Goat Island Skiff Group Replied that the plans are extraordinary value
You are buying (access to) Mik’s intellectual property. $100 is actually quite cheap.
Mark Nye
Harvey Kail
Best 100 bucks I ever spent on boat plans and step by step building instructions. Outstanding bargain
Bob Choderker
The price compares favorably with that of other designers…
I’ve built a boat from another (very good) designer’s plans.
I’ve bought several of Mik’s plans because I might build one one day but also because they are great reading: it’s as if I had annotated my other plans as I built with asides about how to avoid all the mistakes I made during my build.
Any one of these numerous comments could save hours or days of rework. When people say Mik’s plans are good, they really are.
Robin Hilliard
No bought the plans or built, but I understand they come with printable and very comprehensive manual
Brian McDowell
Forget the price of these. Cost of plans is the cheapest thing which stays between you and your boat.
Never have seen GIS plan but already have ozgoose plans and they are not only plans. Its complete book on how to make it. Complete info about every aspect of build.
Forget the cost of these. Cost of plans is the cheapest thing which stays between you and your boat.Never have seen GIS plan but already have ozgoose plans and they are not only plans. Its complete book on how to make it. Complete info about every aspect of build.
Ladislav Bláha
100 bucks for these detailed plans is good value, compared to the cost of the materials and the fun you will have building then sailing you will forget the cost of the plans the moment they arrive.
George Isted
Bill Bowden
You aren’t paying for colour or black&white, you are paying for information and knowledge. How much do you think this much info and knowledge should cost? I think a $100 is more than fair.
$100 is a bargain for a good set of plans.
Keep in mind that the fee is only for one build. If you plan to build more you need to either purchase another set of plans or reach a deal with the designer to pay a fee for each boat you build.
As an architectural designer I can tell you that detailed plans, like the ones Mik provides are invaluable when building the boat.
You also get direct contact with the designer for any questions that may arise during your build. If you had to pay a naval architect hourly you’d be over whelmed with fees.
Case Turner
I have to think that Michael Storer might consider extending a discount of some sort if you really wanted to build out a fleet. He’s all about getting boats on the water.
The price is well in line with the quality of the design, level of detail and level of support. Mik is extremely easy to reach and would be happy to correspond I’m sure.
John Allison
Craig Nyland
Benjamin, if you are going to build multiple boats yourself talk to Michael Storer and see what he can do to help. The plan is cheap already but there may be other ways to help out.
When I get an electrician around to fix my (insert broken object here) I am not paying him for his 1 hour to do the work, I’m paying him for his years of training and experience to do the job to a high quality and to meet standards / expectations.
I think this is the same with the plans. It’s not about the cost of the PDF, it’s the cost of Mr Storer’s years of experience put into a well laid out set of plans that you can follow.
Carlos Santos
It is an outstanding vessel, balanced just so it rows, sails and carries tons of gear while still being both a racer and a camper/ explorer. Not many boats tick all the boxes.
Jose Valdes del Castillo
I like how active this (Facebook) Group is!
Benjamin … and it’s all free!..😉
Paul Mullings
I’ve paid a lot more for a lot less. It’s true value for your money. I don’t think you could go wrong. Mik has been great to chat with over various building issues with multiple plans I’ve bought over the years.He’s always been super helpful with great suggestions.
Not a moment’s regret, even with plans I may never build.
Col Rodrick
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