So you have seen me sailing around enjoying myself for a bit – Travelling – but now to keep the travelling vibe we are getting the Oz Racers ready for the first Meet up in Australia at the Goolwa Wooden Boat Show.
The 8ft OzRacers have been largely superseded by the 12ft Oz Goose – Much Faster, Carries Two adults and a bunch of kids – Only a little more expensive for materials.
Or at least that might be what you have been imagining after reading the previous post!
I’ve been crazily getting Peter’s two Mk1 PD Racers ready for the long trip to the Goolwa Nationals. They are finally in their yellow paint, I’m building two of the Mk2 masts to shoehorn into the little old boats and we have a couple of sails to build too.
But all the work has given me a chance to put together a pictorial on how to rig a PDRacer which I have posted on Flickr. I have labelled most of the pics.
The good thing about these pics is that they show a lot of the simple rigging setups we use on our boats so there is a broader applicability to many boats.
A lot is drawn from BEST PRACTICE in racing boats where the tendancy is to solve problems simply. Where they go wrong is that they do simple things with more and more expensive bits.
So we take the simplicity and leave the expense alone.
Slideshow of Rigging details for the Original Oz Racers with Sprit boom leg of mutton rig
I still have to comment the last few photos but I should be able to do that while sane people are asleep tonight. DONE!)
That’s it for now – I have a couple of masts to glue up thismorning.