Before the sailing lessons start there are two very important fundamentals. Poor tiller extension technique makes sailing ten times more difficult. If you hit your head on the boom, get stuck head to wind, are scared by stronger winds … it is usually because you are not holding the tiller extension properly. This is an important introductory lesson for our free online sailng lessons
This is the correct method for most sailing dinghies. It can be different for catamarans, but often it is correct there too.
The tiller extension goes across the front of your body so you can handle it and use both hands together to control the sail using the sheet. In the photo below the sailor is holding both the mainsheet and tiller in one hand.

If you are still sailing with the tiller extension between your body and the back of the boat then it is what is hampering your sailing improvement and making many parts of sailing much more difficult than they need to be.
All Free Online Sailing Lessons – Index
- Sailing Upwind with less effort
- Increase confidence in Stronger Winds
- Downwind with less distress
- Gusts, Gybes and tacks easily
- Not hitting other boats and more

Every boat handling problem is reduced by correct tiller grip
One of the Women Olympic Sailors demonstrates how the important first principle of holding the tiller extension correctly so both hands can control the sail. See how the tiller extension is held across the body.
It can feel unfamiliar at first. But if you only steer with the extension it will soon feel the most natural way.
It is the only way because your two hands are close. So both hands can be used for handling the sail and steering at the same time.
The men do it too.

All the videos use this technique. And look at the Olympics – there is no other way used by dinghy sailors.
Everyone uses it! So please get used to it when starting your sailing lessons – you will learn faster and won’t have any roadblocks to further learning

VIDEO – So how does this tiller handling work in reality?
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- One Both or Either hand can be used for handling the sheet – hands don’t get tired.
- Can move sheet in and out under control. If hold tiller the wrong way the hands are too far apart and the sailor will use teeth (dental bills) or wrap sheet around hand to take up slack (Circulation gets cut off)
- Sheet can be moved very fast in and out or slow and controlled or can be dropped instantly in an emergency.
- One hand can be free for balance or to do something important.
Later you will find that this method is the basis of every single boat manoeuvre and every crew movement.
We will have some videos by Olympic medallists too – and they will always hold the tiller this same way