Every year the Goat Island Skiff group on facebook puts out its art calendar.

Introducing the Sailing Calendar for 2013. It was able to be ordered direct from Cafepress – but they closed the calendar part of the business with no notice a couple of years later.
So If you order it in 2015 the images and labels will be from 2013 but the calendar will be current.
Same for the 2012 Calendar.
The 2013 Calendar Photos
The cover is from Port Townsend, Washington State
And here is George’s boat in the English RAID event raft up.

We selected from about 50 photos that had been submitted through the year. We and anybody else who wanted to on Facebook to find the best photos and … presto … a Calendar on art paper.
There”s a mug with the cover photo put out every year as well – its just for fun – we sell about 5 at cost price.

David Graybeal boatbuilder and repairer in Portland, Oregon did this with his 2012 Calendar